What’s All That Browning in My Evergreen Trees

9 Oct

At this time of the year our phone and Email is busy with enquires about the title of this blog. Two trees that cause most concern are Cedars and White Pine.

Like all living things we shed skin and hair as we grow and develop. Trees are no different. If a tree didn’t shed previous years needles it would be 10 times heavier than normal with no ability to hold up all the compiling needles from previous years causing branches and main trucks to break from sheer weight. A large White Pine would have a pile of needles 100 inches deep for a 100 year old tree roughly 1″ per year x’s 100 years. As trees cannot move this is the only method the tree can use to provide nutrient buildup below the drip line for its roots to amass the nutrients needed to further growth.

Cedar trees like others also protect the future for the species by developing a much heavier seed count after a severe Winter or very hot drought Summer. The seeds are brown the same color as the molting vegetation and needles so tress look like they are dying to many people.

The process on the average take 3 or 4 weeks to complete. A good strong wind or heavy rain will bring the tree back to its normal Evergreen self quickly.

When walking through the woods on a nice fall day and the ground is covered with soft brown needles with mushrooms poping up this is truly Canada, which give us 4 beautiful seasons with all its changes and surprises.



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