Abies conclour Lift, New shipment from out west…

One thing about working in a nursery there is never a dull moment!  As well as you plan your day – you never get enough done, there is always something changing.  On Wednesday we had to move a 25′ foot tree from your yard to Vaughan.  We had no notice and it had to be dug, burlapped, roped and lifted on out truck and delivered to the crane site by 3:00.  We got notice of this at 11:00.  It is remarkable what can be accomplished when everyone works together. Not only was this beautiful specimen tucked in a back field – we had to move/lift it between trees!  The Abies concolour (White Fir) has a beautiful conical shape and a wonderful bluish to grayish foliage – take a look at the photos below – it really is a gem of a tree.  As usual with Mother Nature the plants are flowering and doing their things all the time – I can hardly keep up.  The Amelanchiers (Serviceberries) are now producing their berries which you can eat (soon).  The Pee Gee Hydrangea standards are setting to bloom and I will keep an eye on them.  They will put on a spectacular show!  Noticed a neat Ulmus caripnifolia (Elm) on my journey – notice its neat weeping shape and leaves.  This time I did have my camera with me.  To add to the excitement, we received a new shipment from the West Coast.  Two trucks arrived at the same time (although they left a day apart).  Some gorgeous product to look at – Japanese Maples, Boxwood specimens, large Beech trees and an assortment of evergreens.  I will have more pictures shortly.  As it is now I have enough pictures to view…more than usual this week…enjoy!  It is always something different…

PAO Horticultural
New Shipment – Weeping Japanese Maples
PAO Horticultural
Astilbe ‘Maggie Daley’
PAO Horticultural
A view of our Island Planting
PAO Horticultural
Another view of Island Planting
PAO Horticultural
Amelanchier canadensis
PAO Horticultural
A view of the Amelanchier Shrub
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Abies concolour rootball
PAO Horticultural
Aiming to go through 2 trees!
PAO Horticultural
An unusual view of the top of the tree
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Side view of the tree
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Here comes the root ball!
PAO Horticultural
Onto the truck…
PAO Horticultural
Loading Abies concolour onto the truck…
PAO Horticultural
On the truck
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Getting ready to leave.
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Ulmus carpinus
PAO Horcultural
Pee Gee Hydrangea Std
PAO Horticultural
Pee Gee Hydrangea STD
PAO Horticultural
New shipment
PAO Horticultural
Our Island Planting