
Yes things are changing.  Everything has changed since we got rain!  Yahoo!  As much as I like the sunny days the plants needed the rain.  The Pee Gee Hydrangeas are in full bloom and just down the road from the them the Yellow Bird Magnolias are putting out their second flush.  There are lots of buds so they should look great next week.  The nursery looks good even with the drought. Of course some trees are suffering and showing signs of burnt tips on the leaves – but we are hoping they will pop back in the fall.  In the heat of the summer not much is happening bloom wise, and just as I was thinking that, I see some Viburnam Wayfarer bushes all covered in berries.  It looks so vibrant in the sun.  The lady I work with in the office pointed out the sumacs the other day.  She is waiting for them to ripen to she  can pick them – apparently they are edible.  I can’t rememeber what she does with them and she is on holidays so I can’t ask her.  I will find out though.  There also some lovely Tiger Eye Sumacs that look funky.  She also pointed out some knarly Black Pines in the island bed – she loves them – not my favourite but I can see them in a cottage setting.  Speaking of changing – I am starting to see the small changes happening around the yard.  We are moving our location down the road and for the life of me, I dunno how we are going to do it.  But today it struck me.  We are starting to get prepared.  The polyhouses are coming down and are to be moved down the road.  The Ash trees are being cut down as we can’t sell them due to the ash borer.  It is a shame to see the process.  They have been growing for years in the back field and when you are under the canopy of the leaves you can’t tell that they are sick.  But alas, they have to be destoyed.  The orange tape signifies trees to be cut and the roots lifted up and removed from the ground.  As much as I like to photograph the happenings of the nursery, this made me a little sad.  It’s a day in the life…

Pee Gee Hydrangea Stds
Pee Gee Hydrangea
Yellowbird Magnolia
Viburnam Wayfarer
Viburnam Wayfarer Berries
Tiger Eye Sumac
Sumac Bush
Sumac Fruit
Black Pines
Polyhouses coming down
The dreaded orange ribbon!
More ribbon
The cutting of the trees
Cut trees
Roots being removed
The corpses!