Fall Is So Beautiful!

Going for a walk through the field has its advantages.   Simply going out and tagging a tree means seeing some of what that nature has to offer.  And at this time of year, you can’t argue. It’s a pretty gorgeous offering!

While out there this morning, I took some photos of the pretty fall colours that some of our plants are turning.  For some of them this is their time to shine.  Especially the Burning Bush!

If you’re interested at all for your own landscape, we are in full swing for Fall digging and we would love to help you out.

Below I’ve shared some of the photos from this morning.     — TreeHugger

 Blue Colorado Spruce
 Burning Bush
 Burning Bush
 Columnar Sugar Maples
Freemani Red Maple Leaves
 Red Oak Leaves
 Sargent’s Crabapple with Berries
 Sentry Ginkgo Trees
  Sentry Ginkgo Trees
 Service Berry Shrubs
 Service Berry Shrubs