The berries are ready…the trees are blooming…

It is already the middle of June – where has the time went?  Within a week the Amelanchier berries have ripened and we have been sampling them along with the birds.  The Dawycki Gold Beech trees have  spectacular gold foliage I noticed while eating berries so I took a picture.  In the Spring they were brighter and they will return to that brightness in the fall.  These columnar plants are small now – only 10′ to 12” feet but they will be spectacular in a few years.  The Hydrangea Standards are just pushing  to bloom and there should be some fabulous photo ops next week.  The mulberry trees are fruiting – I went to pick some berries to eat and it took days to get the purple juice from the berries off my fingers.  The birds love them, they are really pretty colours with a combination of pinkish, red or purplish violet multi drupe berries.  The trees are nice and full with their weeping form.  The Gledistias  are now forcing out new growth – spectacular yellow new foliage looks neat against the lime green older leaves.  Beside them in the field is the Paperbark Maple.  I noticed it because of all the neon green keys (seedlings).  These are one of my favourite trees.  The picutre doesn’t do it justice but the bark of the Paperbark Maple is similar to that of a Birch only it is brown in colour which looks magmnificent in the winter.  Not to mention the bonus of beautiful red fall leaves – so typical of the maples.  Some of the plants that arrived last week are now healed in their beds.  Check out the huge Japanese Maple – just gorgeous!   And look how the sculpted pines look in the ground – looks like they have been there forever.  The Hostas are starting to bloom – I could almost do an article on them alone!  Next blog I will focus on the island bed – and add some of the pictures I took this week.  Too many trees, too many plants, too many pictures, too much to say…I almost have to start doing this daily!


PAO Horticultural
Serviceberry Berries
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More Serviceberry Berries
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More Berries!
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Fagus sylvatica ‘Dawycki Gold’
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Pee Gee Hydrangea Std
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Mulberry Berries
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Paperbark Maple
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Paperbark Maple
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Gleditsia Foliage
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Sunburst Locust Foliage
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Acer palmatum ‘Crimson Queen’
PAO Horticultural
Sculpted Pine
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Queen of the Seas Hosta
PAO Horticultural
Hosta ‘Elizabeth’


Abies conclour Lift, New shipment from out west…

One thing about working in a nursery there is never a dull moment!  As well as you plan your day – you never get enough done, there is always something changing.  On Wednesday we had to move a 25′ foot tree from your yard to Vaughan.  We had no notice and it had to be dug, burlapped, roped and lifted on out truck and delivered to the crane site by 3:00.  We got notice of this at 11:00.  It is remarkable what can be accomplished when everyone works together. Not only was this beautiful specimen tucked in a back field – we had to move/lift it between trees!  The Abies concolour (White Fir) has a beautiful conical shape and a wonderful bluish to grayish foliage – take a look at the photos below – it really is a gem of a tree.  As usual with Mother Nature the plants are flowering and doing their things all the time – I can hardly keep up.  The Amelanchiers (Serviceberries) are now producing their berries which you can eat (soon).  The Pee Gee Hydrangea standards are setting to bloom and I will keep an eye on them.  They will put on a spectacular show!  Noticed a neat Ulmus caripnifolia (Elm) on my journey – notice its neat weeping shape and leaves.  This time I did have my camera with me.  To add to the excitement, we received a new shipment from the West Coast.  Two trucks arrived at the same time (although they left a day apart).  Some gorgeous product to look at – Japanese Maples, Boxwood specimens, large Beech trees and an assortment of evergreens.  I will have more pictures shortly.  As it is now I have enough pictures to view…more than usual this week…enjoy!  It is always something different…

PAO Horticultural
New Shipment – Weeping Japanese Maples
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Astilbe ‘Maggie Daley’
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A view of our Island Planting
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Another view of Island Planting
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Amelanchier canadensis
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A view of the Amelanchier Shrub
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Abies concolour rootball
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Aiming to go through 2 trees!
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An unusual view of the top of the tree
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Side view of the tree
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Here comes the root ball!
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Onto the truck…
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Loading Abies concolour onto the truck…
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On the truck
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Getting ready to leave.
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Ulmus carpinus
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Pee Gee Hydrangea Std
PAO Horticultural
Pee Gee Hydrangea STD
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New shipment
PAO Horticultural
Our Island Planting



Japanese Maples and Ivory Silk Lilacs

Japanese Maples come in many shapes and sizes and of course many variances of colour.  There are green varieties and red varieties, weeping forms and upright forms.  Of course every tree had it’s own character and personality and it seems it depends one what time of day you look at the tree.  They are slow growers and the red ones have an intense red colour in the fall.The green ones turn a beautiful yellow colour.  The weeping varieties have lovely lacy foliage and mounding forms.  Take a look at some of the pictures below and see if any tickle your fancy.  The Ivory Silk Lilacs are in bloom and look spectacular against the blue sky!

June Bloom!

I know I said I would blog about Japanese Maples next time around and I will post some pictures of them soon -but there are some really good pictures of perennials that I took this week.  The red peonies have popped and look so bright in the morning light.  The red ones I like are the variety ‘Karl Rosenfield’ and are a brilliant red and double variety.  The lovely Geranium ‘Rozanne’ has beautiful cup-shaped soft violet blue flowers – good for edging or containers.  The Baptisia ‘Solar Flare’ has lemon yellow flowers and is a profuse bloomer.  A mature plant can produce more than a hundred stems of flowers.  The boxwood topiaries are a vivid bright green.  I took a picture of the spiral one but there are many more forms.  In the lower yard the Black Lace Elderberry caught my eye with its black lacy foliage and the bright pink turning to white flowers.  And course them beside them there was the Cheyenne Privet in bloom as well as the massive ones he have in the back of the yard.  The lilacs have finished their spectacular show and I miss the fragrance coming through the doors.  The yard is alive with birds nesting away and doing  their thing.  To my knowledge we haven’t sold a tree yet with bird nest in it!  The tri-colour Beech are a must see!  A customer came in on Saturday and saw one that had been dug for another client and wanted to know if there was more.  I took them to the field and they tagged one immediately.  They are literally a bright neon pink.  I took some pictures today but it is cloudy and they don’t seem so bright – I will take some more when it is sunny.  Don’t mind the rain – the trees all look greener and happier for it.

Peony ‘Karl Rodenfield’
PAO Horticultural
Peony ‘Immacule’
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Peonies and Salvia
PAO Horticultural
Baptisia ‘Solar Flare’
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Spiral Boxwood
PAO Horticultural
Black Lace Elderberry
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Cheyenne Privet
Geranium ‘Rozanne’


Huge Privet


PAO Horticultural
Tri-Colour Beech Foliage
PAO Horticultural
Beautiful Tri-colour Beech Trees


What’s Blooming…

Driving around the yard and noticing something in bloom and then running back to get the camera!  That has been me this week! I am always surprised one day you go by and it is green and then the next day it is in bloom.  The Viburnam standards are a sea of white blooms.  The Lilac Standards ‘Miss Kim’ are all in bloom.  We have two by the front door and every time it opens the waft of Lilac fragrance comes in and it is wonderful.  The peonies are just starting to open.  There are white and pink ones but I am partial to the red ones.  The rhododendrons are a fantastic show of colour and I am tempted to pull the one I have out at home and replace it the lovely red ones.  It has taken me forever to write this blog, I just went out with customer and noticed the Dogwoods are in bloom – and you guessed it – didn’t have the camera.  Next time I go out I will take the camera and come back to the them.  They are one of my favourite plants.  We have had some unique specimens come in and I will keeping adding a few every time I blog.  Take a look at the Sculptured Pines we received!  And the Japenese Maples…my next blog I will include more of the Maples…ahhh – so many plants – so many pictures…


Sculptured Pine
Japanese Maple
Rows of Viburnam Standards
Viburnam Standards
Viburnam Blooms
Lilac Standard
Lilac Blooms
Trunk Full of Blooms!


Rhododendron ‘Roseum Elegans’
Rhododendron ‘Nova Zembla’
Peony ‘Karl Rosenfield’
Sculptured Pine


Our 50′ Purple Beech Tree Has Moved To A New Home..

In March we had the privledge of hand digging a large Weeping Purple Beech tree and saving it from being chopped down.  This lovely specimen came into our yard and graced us with its beautiful purple foliage, and became a focal point in our nursery.  I watched it come in our yard naked of foliage – tall and stark in the horizon.  I would view it everyday out of my office window.  I watched the tender leafs emerge a perfect lime green and then turning to a dark maroon.  But alas, it was not to be here for long.  It is now gracing one of our customers’ backyards and looking like it had been there forever.  The picture in one of my previous blogs shows the arrival of this huge tree.  I took over 100 pictures yesterday of what we call ‘The Weeping Beech Tree Move’ and have narrowed it down to a few to give you an idea of the process.  In this particular case we had to use a large crane truck and had to lift the tree over an existing fence and other trees to place it in the hole.  The guys make it look so easy but I know that manipulating a root ball of 23,500 lbs is not an easy feat!!  As I mentioned before, watching a huge tree fly through the air is sight that is truly spectacular.  And it all happens so fast!  Each tree is different – and where it comes from – and where is goes to – is always unique.  Just another day at the office!

Where the Beech tree grew up.
The root ball.
View of our beech before loading.
Another view of our Beech at the yard.
Getting ready to load.
Being loaded on the truck.
Tarped and ready to go!
Digging the hole!
The tree has arrived!
Getting ready to lift.
Here we go!
A view from the roof!
Coming over the property.


It is coming over the fence.
On the ground.
The Weeping Beech has new digs!


The Perennials have arrived….

It is lovely to work in a nursery (some days – today being one of them).  I love all the different vibrant colours of all the different leaves on the trees.  The lime greens of the beech trees, the yellow green of the maples and the bright reds of the Japanese Maples.  The light green new growth on the yews an spruce.  I was out on the farm taking pictures of the Crabapple blooms and some Robins are busy building a nest nearby. They certainly didn’t want me near them as they were doing close fly bys around my head! I can move on you crazy birds – there are other photo ops out here!  The tri-colour beech are starting to leaf out – got a neat picture of that.  And the lilacs – I know there are a billion pictures out there of them but the frangrance lured me to them.  Due to the mild winter everything is coming back so nicely. It is nice to see.  However, along with the leaves and blooms – out come the bugs.  I am not a big fan of flies.

Some of our perennials are doing their thing.  I like the ‘Touch of Class’ Jacobs Ladder we received – as well as some cool sempervivums.  See the pictures below.  So many pictures to take and not enough time.  The Hostas and the ground covers have arrived and and are now sitting beside the ferns that are just starting to show green.


Acer palmatum ‘Crimson Queen’
Acer palmatum dissectum ‘Verdis’
Acer ‘Princeton Gold’
Acer ‘Princeton Gold’


Tri-colour Beech
Malus ‘Candied Apple’


Heuchera ‘Midnight Rose’


‘Touch of Class’ Jacobs Ladder
Sempervivum ‘Dark Cloud’


Sempervivum tomentosum


The Highest Trees in Toronto!!!

We have been busy!  We were in downtown Toronto hoisting 26 of our large Hornbeam Trees up 66 floors to the top of the new (under construction) Shangri-La Hotel.  That was scary going up the side of the building in the construction elevator!  The trees weren’t scared though!  They came up via the fastest crane that I have seen yet.  These trees will have the pleasure of growing right along side a view of the CN Tower. But almost beside the top of it.  The Globe and Mail were there to take pictures check it out on their website – “The best pictures in the last 24 hours”.  As well as the pictures below!  We had a new load of Norway Spruce and White Pine come in – nice big specimens.  Talk about instant garden!  There are some pictures listed below of the installation – and I hope to get back on site today to view the finished landscape.  But from the pictures you can see the effect of providing and instant screen.  We will be starting to receive our shipments from the west coast where they have experienced alot of rain – so the product is looking extremely lush and green, it shall be arriving next week.  Some of our unique perennial selections and ground covers will be starting to arrive today and within the next couple of days.  I will keep you updated with photos as they come in.  On a personal note – I have a pet peeve.  If you live in suburbia as I do – you know that backyards can be in close proximity.  And of course you can’t pick your neighbours.  I like our neighbours – they are nice people.  But we like to entertain on our deck in the yard.  And when you come out our back doors to go onto the deck you get the a glimpse of our neighbours yard.  They have planted a toilet.  Yes people – a toilet.  A real toilet.  With plants coming out if it.  Let’s just say – I am not amused.  Please don’t think about this idea as a landscape feature – it is not.

The trees coming up fast!
Very fast trees!
A view of Toronto
Alond side the CN Tower
Overhead – Top of Toronto grwoing site!
Instant Screen
Our beautiful Spruce and Pine Trees
Great large mature specimen
Naturalized effect
Can hardly wait to see the finished product
Another tree to go in…
Landscape Feature?

Tree Transplanting – It is time to move…

We are busy getting our nursery in order and are bringing in fresh plants almost everyday.  Surprisingly our crews are busy on job sites moving and transplanting large trees.  It seems like homeowners and developers are looking for that instant garden feel.  Although I am very familiar with the ‘Moving Tree’ process – I am still awed by the sight of a 50 foot tree leaving our yard and driving down the high way!  The end result is truly amazing!  One day there is nothing on the client’s house or business and then it is transformed into a space that looks like this tree had been there for years.  I have inserted some pictures for your interest.  However, there is more on our website if you would like further information.  I have been taking pictures all week – but the ones I took this morning are the best.  I decided to go to our other nursery facility to see the ‘sights’.  Although my job is take pictures of our nursery material I couldn’t help but a take a few photos of the Trillium’s and Violets that cover the forest floor as well.  In the early morning the rows of Serviceberries and Ornamental Pears looked stunning – covered with masses of blooms – all in white.  The Dawn redwoods are just starting to send out their new growth and it is that beautiful chartreuse colour.  The Red Japanese Maples are just leafing out and are the most brilliant red.  The Redbuds are in bloom with the best fuchsia colour – the pictures don’t even come close to doing them justice!  I have taken so many pictures (74 this morning alone) – it will be hard to decide which ones to share with you!

Tree Transplanting – it is Time!

We have been busy getting our nursery in order and bringing in fresh product almost everyday.  Meanwhile our crews have been out on job sites moving mature tree specimens.  We are finding more and more homeowners and developers looking for mature trees and that instant garden feel.  Although I have watched the ‘Moving Tree’ process many times – I am continually in awe on how it’s done.  It is something to see a 50′ tree leaving our yard and driving on the highway to it’s new home.  And the change to the property is truly amazing! I have inserted a picture to give you an idea and there is more on our website if you are interested in the process.  But today the big news is my tour of the farm.  All week I have been in and out taking pictures but the ones I took this morning are the best.  I decided to go to our other nursery growing facility and see what is news.  The rows of Serviceberry Trees were spectacular and well as the Ornamental Pears – rows of blooms!  And everything is popping  Even the shoots of the Dawn Redwood  which are just starting are that wonderful chartreuse green.  And even though my job is to promote trees I coundln’t resist snapping a few pictures of Trilliums covering the forest floor.  And the Crapabbles are all flowering as well.  I took 74 pictures this morning and I have to limit them to the ones I like the best – that is the hard part.  Next week it looks like some of the Lilacs will be blooming – more photo ops.  the red Japanes Maples are almost in full leaf and the colour is that nice bright red that Spring brings.