Deceived By A Balmy March!!!!

Spring was here last week but it is gone this week!  What a tease!  Our magnolias did not reach their peak magnifigance due to the frosty nights.  The beautiful blossoms that I was anxiously waiting to photograph have withered and turned brown.  With the cold days this week I have been hestitant to go out and take photos of what is coming on and what is not.  It is funny how nature is though – and as with all things botanical – the plants are fighting to push their leaves and flowers out into the longer daylight hours.  But we must remember that this is only the beginning of April and perhaps we expecting too much. As much as we love the sunshine – we do need some rain!  The ground is dry and and it is a worry for us farmers!  We need some water so that we don’t stress out the trees (But not as much as last year!!).  The landscapers are calling and we are digging as many trees as we can – as I guess they are being inundated by calls from homeowners.  We are making a first delivery of big trees to cottage country tomorrow – more than a month before Victoria day weekend!  Thaty is early for us – who knows what this Spring will provide us with.  I have ventured out into the wind and took some pictures of our first performers.

Spring Trees 2012

So far Spring 2012 has blessed us with some mild temperatures and the trees are beginning to bloom.  Our crews are busy digging trees and since the temperatures have been so warm over the winter they are now creating instant landscapes in April!  We welcome you to visit our nursery to see our large selection of trees and shrubs as well as our rare and unique specimens that we are known for.  I have posted some pictures of our inventory of trees and shrubs and hope they generate your interest.  I have also posted some images of our tree moving which evolved out of finding and digging rare and unusual plants in a variety of situations.  If you have a tree that needs to be saved please to feel free to call us or visit our website.  Our ability to come up with successful solutions to saving and harvesting large and unusual plants allows us to offer  this unique service to pirvate home owners, contractors, architects and government institutions.  We go beyond rough mechanical harvesting methods;  each tree is hand dug, and up to two miles of nylon rope is utilized to safely cradle the root ball.  We have successfully relocated trees weighing of up to 140 tons and our crane capacity is 1000 tons.  It is a spectacular thing to see. We have added pages to the blog site and will update on a more regular basis – stay tuned.

March 2012

Well – the phone has started ringing!!!  People want to know if we are open and ready for business – this weather sure has got people into that warm Spring feeling!  We will start to update our availabilites as the warm weather has demanded that we start digging.  Who knew!!   Enjoy the weather and here is to a wonderful Spring season!

The Staff at PAO

Frosty Fall Morning

Nothing is more of a reminder that Ol’ Man Winter is on his way to town that a good hard frosty Fall morning.

The sunrise this morning leant itself to a great photo opportunity. 

Don’t forget — This is optimal digging conditions and we are still going strong!  We are also having our No HST sale on everything until November 15th!

A Little Last Minute Colour Before They Fall

Their colours are out, for another final couple of weeks.  The Maples and the Ginkgos, the Burning Bush and the Oaks are currently at their brightest, while a few late bloomers (red buds and what have you) are almost ready to shine.

Be sure to take advantage of our No HST Sale right now, as we near a close to the planting season.  All Rockery, Statuary, and Plant Material are all included in this deal so don’t delay that project any further or else we’ll be need deep in snow!  Scroll down to see some plants and feature rock we have here in the yard!


 Espalier (Fenced) Juniper 5 feet – Great Winter Coverage and Colour
 Blue Spruce 5/6′ – Add to your yard and add to the Holiday Decoration possibilities!!
 Just In! – Norway Spruce – 6 to 12 feet sizes – WILL GO FAST!

 Sargent’s Crabapple – 50 mm – Splendiferous Berrys!!!

 Home Grown Hicks Yews – 5 feet WB
 Burning Bushes! – 4-6′  — Light up your garden!
 Pin Oak – Various sizes and colours too!
 Native Red Maples – Various larger sizes – A Peak of Colour inspiration
 Pyramidal White Cedars – HOME GROWN – 6/7′ WB
 Diablo Ninbark – 5/6′ WB – Brilliant Year Round Colour
Larger Sizes:
Small-Large Sizes:   Starting at $50/pc.

Save the HST on Everything Until November 15th!
No fine print needed here*! Save the tax on absolutely everything!!
 Now until November 15th, 2011
*Regular Drop-in Landscapers and Retail customers only.

Fall Is So Beautiful!

Going for a walk through the field has its advantages.   Simply going out and tagging a tree means seeing some of what that nature has to offer.  And at this time of year, you can’t argue. It’s a pretty gorgeous offering!

While out there this morning, I took some photos of the pretty fall colours that some of our plants are turning.  For some of them this is their time to shine.  Especially the Burning Bush!

If you’re interested at all for your own landscape, we are in full swing for Fall digging and we would love to help you out.

Below I’ve shared some of the photos from this morning.     — TreeHugger

 Blue Colorado Spruce
 Burning Bush
 Burning Bush
 Columnar Sugar Maples
Freemani Red Maple Leaves
 Red Oak Leaves
 Sargent’s Crabapple with Berries
 Sentry Ginkgo Trees
  Sentry Ginkgo Trees
 Service Berry Shrubs
 Service Berry Shrubs

Field Wide Blow Out!

You read correct!  We are having a Field wide BLOWOUT!!!
 Tree like these for ONLY $299.99*!!
 Baby Blue Eyes Blue Spruce 5/6′ WB
 Crimson King Maple 50-60mm WB
 Emerald Queen Norway 70-80mm WB
 Glenleven Linden 80-90mm WB
Sunburst Honeylocust 60-70mm WB
Trees like these for ONLY $299.99*!
 *Prices do not include installation. Sale on until October 15th, 2011!

Open House News – Thank You For Your Support!

Special thanks to everyone this past weekend for coming to our 4th Annual Open House!

We saw a lot of new faces and some very special old friends! We’ve updated our website with photos of the weekend and highlights of the event!

Between you and I —— There’s been talk about a Spring Open House!  Stay tuned for more information!

In the meantime have a look at some of the set up highlights: