The Highest Trees in Toronto!!!

We have been busy!  We were in downtown Toronto hoisting 26 of our large Hornbeam Trees up 66 floors to the top of the new (under construction) Shangri-La Hotel.  That was scary going up the side of the building in the construction elevator!  The trees weren’t scared though!  They came up via the fastest crane that I have seen yet.  These trees will have the pleasure of growing right along side a view of the CN Tower. But almost beside the top of it.  The Globe and Mail were there to take pictures check it out on their website – “The best pictures in the last 24 hours”.  As well as the pictures below!  We had a new load of Norway Spruce and White Pine come in – nice big specimens.  Talk about instant garden!  There are some pictures listed below of the installation – and I hope to get back on site today to view the finished landscape.  But from the pictures you can see the effect of providing and instant screen.  We will be starting to receive our shipments from the west coast where they have experienced alot of rain – so the product is looking extremely lush and green, it shall be arriving next week.  Some of our unique perennial selections and ground covers will be starting to arrive today and within the next couple of days.  I will keep you updated with photos as they come in.  On a personal note – I have a pet peeve.  If you live in suburbia as I do – you know that backyards can be in close proximity.  And of course you can’t pick your neighbours.  I like our neighbours – they are nice people.  But we like to entertain on our deck in the yard.  And when you come out our back doors to go onto the deck you get the a glimpse of our neighbours yard.  They have planted a toilet.  Yes people – a toilet.  A real toilet.  With plants coming out if it.  Let’s just say – I am not amused.  Please don’t think about this idea as a landscape feature – it is not.

The trees coming up fast!
Very fast trees!
A view of Toronto
Alond side the CN Tower
Overhead – Top of Toronto grwoing site!
Instant Screen
Our beautiful Spruce and Pine Trees
Great large mature specimen
Naturalized effect
Can hardly wait to see the finished product
Another tree to go in…
Landscape Feature?