Tree Transplanting – it is Time!

We have been busy getting our nursery in order and bringing in fresh product almost everyday.  Meanwhile our crews have been out on job sites moving mature tree specimens.  We are finding more and more homeowners and developers looking for mature trees and that instant garden feel.  Although I have watched the ‘Moving Tree’ process many times – I am continually in awe on how it’s done.  It is something to see a 50′ tree leaving our yard and driving on the highway to it’s new home.  And the change to the property is truly amazing! I have inserted a picture to give you an idea and there is more on our website if you are interested in the process.  But today the big news is my tour of the farm.  All week I have been in and out taking pictures but the ones I took this morning are the best.  I decided to go to our other nursery growing facility and see what is news.  The rows of Serviceberry Trees were spectacular and well as the Ornamental Pears – rows of blooms!  And everything is popping  Even the shoots of the Dawn Redwood  which are just starting are that wonderful chartreuse green.  And even though my job is to promote trees I coundln’t resist snapping a few pictures of Trilliums covering the forest floor.  And the Crapabbles are all flowering as well.  I took 74 pictures this morning and I have to limit them to the ones I like the best – that is the hard part.  Next week it looks like some of the Lilacs will be blooming – more photo ops.  the red Japanes Maples are almost in full leaf and the colour is that nice bright red that Spring brings.