Tree Transplanting – It is time to move…

We are busy getting our nursery in order and are bringing in fresh plants almost everyday.  Surprisingly our crews are busy on job sites moving and transplanting large trees.  It seems like homeowners and developers are looking for that instant garden feel.  Although I am very familiar with the ‘Moving Tree’ process – I am still awed by the sight of a 50 foot tree leaving our yard and driving down the high way!  The end result is truly amazing!  One day there is nothing on the client’s house or business and then it is transformed into a space that looks like this tree had been there for years.  I have inserted some pictures for your interest.  However, there is more on our website if you would like further information.  I have been taking pictures all week – but the ones I took this morning are the best.  I decided to go to our other nursery facility to see the ‘sights’.  Although my job is take pictures of our nursery material I couldn’t help but a take a few photos of the Trillium’s and Violets that cover the forest floor as well.  In the early morning the rows of Serviceberries and Ornamental Pears looked stunning – covered with masses of blooms – all in white.  The Dawn redwoods are just starting to send out their new growth and it is that beautiful chartreuse colour.  The Red Japanese Maples are just leafing out and are the most brilliant red.  The Redbuds are in bloom with the best fuchsia colour – the pictures don’t even come close to doing them justice!  I have taken so many pictures (74 this morning alone) – it will be hard to decide which ones to share with you!