What’s Blooming…

Driving around the yard and noticing something in bloom and then running back to get the camera!  That has been me this week! I am always surprised one day you go by and it is green and then the next day it is in bloom.  The Viburnam standards are a sea of white blooms.  The Lilac Standards ‘Miss Kim’ are all in bloom.  We have two by the front door and every time it opens the waft of Lilac fragrance comes in and it is wonderful.  The peonies are just starting to open.  There are white and pink ones but I am partial to the red ones.  The rhododendrons are a fantastic show of colour and I am tempted to pull the one I have out at home and replace it the lovely red ones.  It has taken me forever to write this blog, I just went out with customer and noticed the Dogwoods are in bloom – and you guessed it – didn’t have the camera.  Next time I go out I will take the camera and come back to the them.  They are one of my favourite plants.  We have had some unique specimens come in and I will keeping adding a few every time I blog.  Take a look at the Sculptured Pines we received!  And the Japenese Maples…my next blog I will include more of the Maples…ahhh – so many plants – so many pictures…


Sculptured Pine
Japanese Maple
Rows of Viburnam Standards
Viburnam Standards
Viburnam Blooms
Lilac Standard
Lilac Blooms
Trunk Full of Blooms!


Rhododendron ‘Roseum Elegans’
Rhododendron ‘Nova Zembla’
Peony ‘Karl Rosenfield’
Sculptured Pine